Deveniți parte din generația 2024/25

Apology Letter to a Customer

Dear Gloria,

We have thoroughly reviewed your complaint and feel that we owe you our deepest apologies for the inconvenience that disappearance of your luggage has caused.

At Europe Golden Airline, we are very serious about our customer's satisfaction and we work hard to resolve of any customer complaints. After deep analysing of the issue we found out that the problem originated from recent system update.

To ensure that this will never happen again, we are installing new back-up systems.

Because we value your relationship with Europe Golden Airline we will provide you with 3 months free tickets to anywhere you want to fly with us. It is the east we could do for causing you any inconvenience.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at 555-34-0948 or my email


Jim Richardson
Human Resources Manager

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